In the event of transference, please consider the alternatives...

In the event of transference, please consider the alternatives
The stars that guide your misguided thoughts
When you give up and trust them
When you fight for vision
When you lie to past mistakes in your midnight promises to them that everything will be alright
But 𝘢𝘭𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 is not in the disintegration of their interests
And as you rise to the cosmos
You have not the energy to see the ground collapse beneath you
Or whatever the ground does when you are no longer watching
But such is the way of our life
And necessary is the motion of flight
When we trust in our lights •

Let it go. Let it all go. The regrets, the guilt, the shame from what we could not prevent or change. We stare at the pain right in the eyes, not just acknowledging it, but also validating it. We do not look away for one second. But as we watch the pain, it does not disappear; it strengthens. We must force forward eyes, no longer acknowledging the past. Acceptance does not mean validation. We remain heavy as we hold onto antiquity.

Looking at the present only is called mindfulness. The past will always be there, and as time goes on, it only lengthens. The past will always be there if we choose to look; it is not going anywhere. But the present — the present is fleeting. There are many little things to notice and appreciate in the here-and-now. Many things to live for, today.

Look away from the past. It no longer needs to bear our weight — nor we, its. We must release the hold we have on yesteryear, and finally, finally, ascend. •

Poem from Four Years in Chrysalis
© Aisha Tariqa Abdul Haqq Publishing
Follow @AishaTariqa for more original poetry and inspiration

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