Infinity has finally caught up with me...
Infinity has finally caught up with me
If sought after, my fingerprints will be found edging the futility of my memories
There is nothing deeper than the past, I was sure
Nothing more memorable than what cannot be forgotten
I have exhausted my enthusiasm countless ways in my efforts to slow the ebbing of my own perfection
I have sat patiently in the possibility of destruction to find that light
pierces through only when darkness is thoroughly considered •
Depression feels like a dark veil, more true than that of light — while you are in the midst of it. But depression lies. You *are* someone. You *are* loved. You *are* needed. If you are one of the many of the minority who experience this debilitating disorder, know that you are not alone. Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses. It can be the family secret, which each of us are afraid to admit. But you are not alone in this. If you reach out to your loved ones, you may find commonality in your experience.
But if you have no one, there is support out there. Just reach out; it is there. •
Poem from Four Years in Chrysalis
© Aisha Tariqa Abdul Haqq Publishing
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